Sending Emails in PEGA
How the organizations communicate with users?- It is through emails that the organizations communicate with relevant parties. The steps to achieve effective communication are::
- Identify the users with whom to communicate
Organizations can communicate by sending email to a specific email address. This option depends on a consistent email address. Any time the email address changes, you must update the application or the correspondence will not be received by the appropriate person.
To avoid recurring changes to an email address, we can use fields, participants, and user references to send email correspondence.
Fields- Suppose a new customer signs up for an account. The customer enters an email address in the Customer email field. When the customer submits information, PEGA Platform uses the value entered in the field by the customer to send a confirmation email.
Participants-For example, a company grants car loans to the employees of an organization. To send loan updates to key members of the organization, we can add these members as participants in Car Loan cases.
The default participants for correspondence are::
Owner: The person who created the case.
Customer: The person on whose behalf the case is transacted. This person may not process the case but may want — or need — notification of any changes.
Interested: A person who tracks the progress of a case but does not process the case.
Try to solve the question below:
Q. Every time the result is announced about an exam, the student must be notified. Parents or guardians also need to be notified about the result of the student. Identify the type of role of parent in this case.
A. Owner B. Interested C. Customer D. Student
Ans: B. Interested
User references-In cases where the correspondence needs to be sent to one specific user in your application, you can use a user reference. The relevant user reference fields are defined in the case type and the associated data types. You can define a user reference field in the case type data model. For example, the head of the IT department receives status changes for high-priority issues. A user reference field called IT Manager is defined in the data model and used to send email correspondence to the appropriate user.
2.Identify how to compose the correspondence
Pega Platform provides a rich text editor to create formatted email correspondence. The editor allows you to reuse data from the case in the email. For example, you can enter a greeting with the customer’s first and last name by referencing the fields that capture this information in the case.
3.When does the communication need to be sent?
Pega Platform simplifies sending correspondence by allowing you to add a Send email automation to your case to send an email. When a case reaches the Send email step, the email is automatically sent to the selected parties. For example, in a Place order process, users select order items, the shipping address, and the payment method. Once users confirm the order, the case automatically sends users a confirmation email.